Contact us

You will find the latest information about us on this website and all our social media platforms. Our organisation is constantly evolving and growing. Our mission is to serve adolescent girls and young womxn in South Africa. If you want to contact us, please directly email us. 

How to find us


Let's communicate

Volunteer application form

Are you an adolescent girl/young womxn between the ages of 18 -35 years that is interested in working with our organisation? Fill in the form below and we'll get back to you.

Your email
Name and Surname
Date of Birth
Phone Number
What do you currently do
Are you good at time management? This work presents a lot of pressure and one must be really good at managing their time and balancing other things with this
What is your technology access?
Why do you want to become a volunteer for Sesi Fellowship and Skill Hub
What is your understanding of the work you'll be required to do at Sesi Fellowship and Skill Hub??
Why should we choose you?
Do you have previous experience in social development work? If so, please explain the details of the organisation and the work you've done ( this will not affect your selection)